Dialogue of Cultures and Partnership of Civilizations: the 8th International Likhachov Scientific Conference, May 22–23, 2008. – St. Petersburg: SPbUHSS, 2008. – 100 p. – ISBN 978-5-7621-0468-5.
The volume presents the materials of the 8th International Likhachov Scientific Conference, held in May 22–23, 2008, St. Petersburg, in accordance with the Decree of President of Russia V. V. Putin The speeches of the 10th Likhachov Conference participants are devoted to the burning issues of a modern age. These are the establishment of a global culture, world’s economics trends, and globalization of education, labour relationships, international law, and modern mass-media.
The role of the Conference was highly estimated by President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev, who has pointed out that the scientifi c results and “recommendations will be practically applied and serve for realization of attractive International projects in the fi eld of humanitarian sciences”.