Chief research fellow at the Central Economic and Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor and researcher at the Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Carleton University (Canada), Emeritus Professor of the Russian School of Economics, Dr. Sc. (Economics). In 2009–2015, he was an adviser and senior expert of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. In 1990–2009, he taught at the Higher School of International Business at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Academy of Foreign Trade (Moscow), Queen’s University, University of Toronto, Carleton University (Canada), University of Kaiserslautern (Germany), Helsinki School of Economics (Finland). Author of 10 books, including “The Turning Point: Restructuring of Economy in the USSR”, “Asian Virus or Dutch Disease”, “Theory of Currency Crises” (co-author), “Mixed Fortunes: An Economic History of China, Russia, and the West”, etc.; more than 200 research papers and socio-political articles including in the following magazines: Voprosy Economiki (Economic Issues), Mirovaya Economika i Mezhdunarodnye Otnoshenia (World Economy and International Relations), SShA – Economika, Politika, Ideologia (The USA – Economy, Politics, Ideology); Economichesky Zhurnal (Economic Journal), Zhurnal Novoy Economicheskoy Assotsiatsii (Journal of the New Economic Association), etc. His books and articles were published in English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Korean, German, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, French and Japanese. In 2010, Russkiy Reporter (Russian Reporter) magazine included him in the top ten most influential economists and sociologists of Russia in 2000–2010.