Director of the Institute for Immunology and Physiology (the Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Academician of the RAS, Dr. Med., Professor. Author of a number of scientific discoveries and inventions, more than 700 scholarly publications, including 34 monographs, 14 books: “Immunophysiology”, “Alpha Fetoprotein”, “Immunologic and Genetic Factors of Reproduction Function Disturbance”, “Biological Laws and Human Viability. Method of Multi-Functional Regeneration Biotherapy”, “Physiological and Hygienic Concept of Speleoand Co-Treatment”, “Social and Demographic Safety of Russia”, “Demographic Policy of the Country and Health of the Nation” and others; 2 manuals for studying combined radiation damages and clinical immunology; 6 textbooks; 11 manuals for higher educational establishments. President of the Russian Academic Society of Immunologists. Chief editor of the “Russian Journal of Immunology”, “Bulletin of Ural Medical Academic Science”, Bulletin of Ural Branch of RAS “Science. Society. Man”, “Immunology of Urals”. He is decorated with the Order of Friendship, the Order for Services to the Fatherland of the 3rd and 4th degree. He is a Laureate of the Government Award of the Russian Federation in science and technology and the award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education. Honorary Doctor of SPbUHSS.